
Ryan Haggerty of Blood on the Leaves – Interview – Episode 8

This week we take a short detour from our usual review-centric episodes and interview Cinematographer, Producer, and an all around great friend, Ryan Haggerty of Haggerty Media.  Ryan will be discussing a new film premiering on June 1st called “Blood on the Leaves” that he has been involved with as well as his insights on the trials and tribulations that indie filmmakers go through to bring projects to life.

Ryan Haggerty Interview- Key Points

  • We quite literally did have the worst slum lord of all time
    • Ryan and I lived in the worst basement apartment while we were in grad school.  Complete with burst steam pipe, a giant hole in our laundry room, and fruit flies.
    • “Dirt Grubs” do exist.
  • Working together as a team yields better results
    • Filmmaking by itself is a collaborative art.  Working with others and retaining their input, along with revisions, yields only a stronger film in the end.
  • Everything starts with a great story 
    • You have to have the best possible story to convince people to invest in your project.
    • Fundraising relies on more than just creating a kickstater or indiegogo.  You need to personally reach out to people through emails, phone calls, networking events, etc.
    • Problems will occur down the line but it is important not to get bent out of shape and lose focus.
    • Create an LLC for your film.  It not only gives your film a professional feel to it, but it also makes accounting your funds and budgeting easier.
    • Write your story for what you have.
      • If you have access to free locations, props, costumes, etc. write those into your story from the beginning.  It will save you cash once production starts.
  • Distribution and marketing are a pain but are necessary
    • Look at starting with local small theaters/coffeehouses in the area your project was filmed at to tap into the community that helped make the film possible.
    • Some theaters will allow you to rent outright or do a 50/50 split of the ticket sales.
    • For larger distribution, it still serves to talk to sales agents and distributors, although there is a lot you can still do on your own.
    • Regardless of your distribution strategy, marketing ties everything together and ultimately is responsible for getting people to your screening.

Notable Movies Referenced

blood on the leaves
Blood on the Leaves (2016)






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If you are in the Pittsburgh area, be sure to check out the premiere of Blood on the Leaves at the Hollywood Theater in Dormont on June 1st.  Tickets can be purchased online at ShowClix

Find more info about Ryan Haggerty and Blood on the Leaves:

Check out the trailer below!!

[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3YcVlK9dIY”]

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