Our Top 10 Favorite Movies of All Time – Episode 114
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This week, Brian, John, and Laine are baring their souls to you guys with a very personal count down of each the their Top 10 favorite movies of all time. We also have a 3 way news bit with the death of Burt Reynolds and Mac Miller, and reports of Apple deleting purchased films. It is one hell of a jam packed episode!
This episode is brought to you by The Silk Screen Film Festival taking place in Pittsburgh this month from Sept. 22-30th.
For the festival schedule and more information, visit www.silkscreenfestival.org, or follow them on twitter or instagram @silkscreenpgh
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Calling all Indie filmmakers! We Want Your Movies!
As indie filmmakers, we can appreciate the value of a review of your work. Film festivals, distribution companies, sales agents, etc. all look at reviews and press that a film can get when considering picking up a film. If you are interested in submitting your indie film for review, contact us at the links below with a digital screener of your movie and we will do what we can to feature it on a future episode of The Cinema Psychos Show.
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