
Controversial Movies – Episode 47

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Get ready to be shocked and shocked again!  This week, Brian, John, and Elaine are entering the world of the most controversial movies to come out of Hollywood.  What makes a movie controversial?  As the audience are we drawn more to a movie or repelled when a film deals with controversial subject matter?  Are these movies just for shock value or do they serve a higher purpose in the world of cinema?  These questions and more will be answered as we dive into the cesspool of controversial movies.

Check out this episode!

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Calling all Indie filmmakers!  We Want Your Movies!

As indie filmmakers, we can appreciate the value of a review of your work.  Film festivals, distribution companies, sales agents, etc. all look at reviews and press that a film can get when considering picking up a film.  If you are interested in submitting your indie film for review, contact us at the links below with a digital screener of your movie and we will do what we can to feature it on a future episode of The Cinema Psychos Show.

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